Bozcaada Caz Festivali


At the core of our existence lies a powerful force, one that transcends time, space, and civilizations, weaving its way through every aspect of our lives. We invite you to journey with us as we uncover the universal essence of “Play”, this year’s theme of the Bozcaada Jazz Festival.

Play is a primary category of life for everyone, from humans to animals. It’s a non-materialistic activity that exists beyond mental categories and defies association with any specific stage of civilization or worldview. Play captivates and enchants, standing outside the boundaries of ordinary life and inviting us to explore the world around us with childlike curiosity.

In today’s world, a lack of play can have severe consequences on our mental well-being. As psychologist Brian Sutton-Smith once said, “The opposite of play is not work; the opposite of play is depression.” With depression being the number one global disease, according to the World Health Organization, the role of play in our lives becomes even more crucial. Play serves as a powerful antidote to depression and a catalyst for joy and well-being.

Moreover, play is deeply intertwined with our motivation. It fuels our creativity, inspires innovation, and nurtures resilience. By approaching our work and challenges with a playful mindset, we tap into our intrinsic motivation, leading to greater productivity, fulfillment, and personal growth.

As we navigate through crises, it’s essential to remember that approaching our work with a sense of play can foster resilience, innovation, and adaptability. In a world that has faced unprecedented challenges, the theme of “play” has become increasingly relevant, offering a way for us to cope, grow, and find joy even in difficult times. By embracing play, we can create a positive mindset, forge deeper connections with others, and rekindle our sense of hope and purpose. In this spirit, our festival delves into the voluntary nature of play, its separation from ordinary life, and its ability to teach us to resist, rebel, and embrace the arbitrary. By doing so, play enables us to discover and learn about both the inner and outer realms, building meaningful connections between them.

Johan Huizinga, the author of Homo Ludens, highlights the dual nature of play, as it is both structured and unstructured, imparting meaning to our actions while existing within specific boundaries of time and place. The interplay between these aspects of play is what makes it so fascinating and essential to culture. This year’s festival theme is “Play,” inspired by Huizinga’s concept of play and its transformative potential in our lives.

In the spirit of cooperative game theory, we recognize the transformative power of playing together to achieve mutual joy. By engaging in cooperative play, we create an environment where collaboration, communication, and shared objectives lead to a more harmonious and rewarding experience. Through the festival’s performances, workshops, and activities, we encourage participants to embrace the cooperative nature of play, fostering connections, empathy, and a sense of collective accomplishment.

Join us in this thought-provoking exploration of play at the Bozcaada Jazz Festival as we celebrate the transformative potential of play, the joy of playing together, and its profound impact on our lives. Together, let’s embrace the spirit of jazz, nourish our souls, and rediscover the joy of play in the face of adversity.